mercredi 13 novembre 2013

The Ernst & Young Rugby Union Varsity - 02nd October 2013


Wednesday 2nd of October, our friend drags us to the Varsity Rugby games. She just joined the rugby society in Man Met and it's the opportunity to have an overview of her future team. Such a good idea ! The Varsity Rugby games are the opening game of the season if I'm not wrong. We paint our face blue and yellow, the colours of our uni, we hear chants and try to understand what they say... which doesn't turn out to be very classy, but who cares ! It's part of the fun, and this is why we came here.

" Oh MMU is wonderful,
It's full of tits, fanny and rugby "

We are also made aware of the fierce competition between the two unis. One one side, we have Man Uni (black and purple). They're not the same as us, for sure. They have the good seats but as a consequence, they can barely stand, they can't smoke, etc. Their cheerleaders cheerlead and so on. On the other side, there's Man Met, people drink, smoke, eat, chant and even throw beer on the field (ok, I admit it, that's not so fun), and the cheerleaders drink, smoke and eat just as anybody else on that side of the field. People from both unis were running half naked or naked and there's nobody to stop them. We had a real good time.

Mercredi 2 octobre, jeux d'ouverture de la saison de rugby. Une amie s'est inscrite au club de rugby à la fac et elle veut voir à quoi ressemble sa future équipe. Quelle bonne idée ! On se peint le visage en bleu et jaune, les couleurs de la Man Met, les gens chantent, on essaye de comprendre les paroles qui s'avèrent ne pas être très classe, mais peut importe on est là pour s'amuser. On découvre qu'il y a une compétition redoutable entre les deux universités. Personne ne se parle au bar. Et on constate que la Man Uni (en noir et violet)est bien différente de Man Met. Ils ont les jolis gradins, etc. Nous, on chante, on fume, on boit. Certain jettent leur bière sur les adversaires (pas très fairplay). Mais au final, on  a passé une super journée !

#2 - Manchester Univesity Girl Team

#3 - Manchest Metropolitan Girl Team

#4 - The Captains

#5 - Our Girls are in green and black today because some girls from Cheshire Campus came
to give a hand and those are their colours
Nos joueuses sont en vert et noir aujourd'hui car certaines filles du campus à Cheshire sont venues
donner un coup de main et ce sont leur couleurs



#8 -  At night. Man Uni bleachers
De nuit. Les gradins de la Man Uni

#9 - Men Team

# 10

The two following pictures are not so good I must say but I thought I'd share them anyway
because I somehow find them interesting.
Les deux photos suivantes ne sont pas très bonnes mais j'ai quand même voulu les partager 
parce que je les trouve intéressantes d'une manière ou d'une autre.

# 11

# 12

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